Qualer Blog

How Quality in the Asset Lifecycle Affects You

Written by Qualer | May 16, 2020 5:00:00 PM

It’s no secret that our goal is to create a better asset lifecycle. Through our software, our continuous updates that are guided by your feedback, and the changes we are facilitating throughout the industry, we want to improve the lives of everyone involved.

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed the definition of quality software and the commitment we’ve made to creating such software through Qualer. The right tools are vital for the success of asset lifecycle management, but they are one small part of a bigger picture.

All asset stakeholders both contribute to and are affected by the quality of the industry. From legislation to processes to software, everyone involved depends on each other for an industry that supports them and facilitates success.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the need for quality and its effects through every stage of the asset lifecycle.


asset lifecycle - Asset Management

For asset owners, quality means staying compliant and maintaining effective operations through asset lifecycle — all without sacrificing their lives, time, and peace of mind. Rather than solely focusing on passing audits and maintaining assets, managers should be able accomplish more while also reducing the amount of time spent at work. With access to tools that support and facilitate these efforts, along with good relationships and results from their service providers and in-house calibration labs, asset management can become a quality job.

Stressed people struggle to produce their best results, so transforming the quality of asset management can also benefit other asset lifecycle stakeholders. Without the stress and burnout caused by the position’s typical demands, asset managers can give more to the most important aspects of their work. Better organization, stronger communication, and improved results can benefit the industry and those who rely on their organization’s results.


asset lifecycle - Service Event Management

Of all asset stakeholders, service providers are most dependent on the quality of the industry. Many calibration labs and vendors are small companies that depend on their customers to survive, so steady work and compliant assets are essential. Like asset owners, these asset lifecycle stakeholders rely on powerful tools, communication, and results to thrive. When service providers have the ability to create effective servicing schedules and meet their clients’ greatest needs, they can continue to expand their services and improve their results.

To be most successful, however, service providers also need legislation that supports their work. Accreditation in the U.S. is difficult to attain for calibration labs, so difficult, in fact, that there are fewer accredited labs in America than there are in much smaller countries such as New Zealand. Service providers can only do as much as they are enabled to do, so it’s important for them, and the industry as a whole, to have legislation that supports quality in the asset lifecycle.


asset lifecycle - Regulatory Bodies

Though stakeholders involved in legislation rarely interact directly with service providers and asset owners, their work directly affects everyone in the asset lifecycle. For those involved with regulation, quality is less about the tools they can use and more about the information they can gain. To be most effective, legislation should be influenced and informed by the people who are affected most.

Until now, unfortunately, asset lifecycle industry-wide conversations have been limited by technology and the ability to connect. With Qualer’s collaborative ecosystem and the family we’re forming, we’re hoping to facilitate this communication. When the rules and requirements governing the industry are inspired and guided by asset stakeholders, the quality of the work and results can improve for everyone.

While quality means something different for every stage of the asset lifecycle, it affects everyone involved. Our industry can only improve through the efforts of the stakeholders involved, so we are focused on empowering this change through the work our clients are already doing, helping them do better without doing more.