by Qualer

Capabilities of Cloud-based Software

Cloud-based Software Capabilities

Access your system from any location and at any time

The current challenge: many of you in the pharmaceutical industry are currently struggling with workflows, things like setting up smart flow charts, properly documenting every activity, and training teams to accomplish your business goals. 

Fundamentally, the objective of every stakeholder is to provide a solution or tool to help team members accomplish the applicable day to day work and processes in the most systematic, streamlined, efficient, and compliant manner.

To succeed at any of these functions means to fully understand the processes and then incorporate the internal strategy into a compliant platform to enable work to be accomplished in a systematic, logical, and repeatable manner. Hence, the importance and value of the development and dissemination of a configured application enabling compliant work. 

Improve efficiency by eliminating unnecessary manual labor.

Benefits from working with a cloud-based solution:

- Quick deployment

- Greater computing power

- Augmented collaboration

- Savings on hardware and software

- Automatic data backup

For each service call you complete or any maintenance performed on your equipment, your data will be recorded and securely submitted. 

Replacing redundant and unnecessary manual labor of written reports by utilizing digital data entry will help your team enter primary data into the system through their laptop, tablet, or smartphone, creating reports in just minutes. 

Cloud computing automatically analyzes the data needed and supports the monitoring, control and reports usage capability.

Qualer’s software solution offers several cloud-based systems to improve access to every part of your business, both in the field and in-house. 

Qualer is inherently compatible with every other platform, so you can collaborate with customers, technicians, and staff to provide the most accurate updates, quick turnaround times and, efficiently coordinated schedules. Documentation is processed in real-time, increasing efficiencies and productivity while reducing costs. 

With Qualer, you can enjoy a complete data transfer from your current system. Cloud computing automatically analyzes the data and supports asset management and services provided to transform your whole operation.

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Topics: cloud services, Laboratory Data Management, streamlined work