by Qualer

Metrology Information Infrastructure: International Data Standard -

In the metrology industry, measurements are vital to every aspect of operations. Whether you work as a manufacturer, a calibration technician, or an end-user, the measurements offered by your tools dictate the success of your work. Over the years, there has been discussion about creating a global measurement standard, but it hasn’t reached fruition until recently.

After years of conversation, proposals, and development, we helped debut the Metrology Information Infrastructure (MII) data standard. This initiative, created with the NCSLI, offers the first standard for measurements used around the world. By creating a standard that can be applied to metrology from the top down, we’ve created a tool that can promote better understanding and results for everyone involved.

The Metrology Information Infrastructure data standard has the ability to completely change and improve measurements throughout the industry. To see how this initiative can benefit your organization and the industry, read through the information we’ve included below.


1. It creates an international standard

One of the greatest struggles with metrology measurements is the lack of a standard that is used and accepted around the world. With MII, our industry can introduce a baseline for measurements used in various industries. With each calibration lab and stakeholder following and meeting this standard, users can have confidence in the instruments they use and the service providers they hire. By implementing MII in our Qualer Search database, for instance, we’ve created a reliable picture of the capabilities of every calibration provider in North America. As the industry continues to grow and technologies continue to develop, this international standard can support a more effective future for metrology work.


2. It improves metrology results

Without an international standard, manufacturers lack a baseline to use when creating instrument specifications. Instead, these companies often take the specifications gained from testing new instruments and force them to reflect numbers that are more straightforward and easier for the end user to understand. By applying the Metrology Information Infrastructure data standard, they can instead develop specifications that reflect actual performance and produce better results.

Most important, MII has the ability to automate calculations and data sharing related to metrology. By removing this responsibility from hands and minds, this standard data model reduces the chances of human error and the time needed to see results. Automated metrology calculates data, corrects for instrument bias, and manages any uncertainties, consistently offering dependable information. With these capabilities, metrology stakeholders can have confidence in the results they produce and the work they do.


3. It offers the future of metrology and calibration

Mark Kuster, one of the committee members we worked with to develop MII, said, “Substantive, quality ‘metrology made easy’ will arrive through automation, not shortcuts.” With this international standard, we can begin to move our industry in the appropriate future direction. Automation allows computers to calculate data directly, eliminating the need for tables and graphs, unless users need to view the information. By programming our software with standard data and models, we can develop reliable results for every stakeholder, every time. Every specification sheet is a representation of the OEM’s programing references, which eliminates the need for a common programming language. MII paves the way for simpler work and increased possibilities in everything we do.

MII also creates a standard data model that allows organizations to share information seamlessly, enabling the growth and stability of a global network of valuable information. With an international guide such as the Metrology Information Infrastructure data standard, we can easily move data between laboratories, manufacturers, accrediting bodies, and stakeholders. This can eliminate the need for paper, manual record-keeping, and overall human intervention, effectively improving the work and results of the entire metrology industry.


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Topics: asset collaboration, service management collaboration, Quality


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